跆拳道 Taekwondo (2016) 迅雷BT磁力免费下载

跆拳道 Taekwondo (2016) 迅雷BT磁力免费下载
导  演 
主  演 
类  型 
年  份 

编剧: 马可·伯格
类型: 剧情 / 同性
制片国家/地区: 阿根廷
语言: 西班牙语
上映日期: 2016-04(阿根廷) / 2016-08-18(阿根廷)
片长: 106分钟 / 112分钟
又名: 男色假期(港)
IMDb链接: tt5643380


2024年05月22日9点30分已更新迅雷会员账号: 迅雷会员共享账号 账号:34264231密码:775ulc 账号:61418926密码:zxayo 账号:41728737密码:mpgj486 账号:85108295密码:tjeuxu


Fernando is on vacation with all his male friends in the suburb of Buenos Aires. Excluding all their girlfriends from this holiday, the boys are free to be who they want to be. They talk about everything from sexual desires for the girls to their insecurities of the future. They swim, smoke and drink, disconnecting themselves from the world. When Fernando invites a newcomer Germán from his Taekwondo class to the clan, something is going to change. Germán loves men, and he is getting more and more intimate with Fernando…



类型:高清电影 |